Details have been omitted in order to share this publicly.

Overlap between Trust patients and primary care SMI registers

The following charts demonstrate the overlap between the Trustā€™s patients in receipt of secondary mental health services and the severe mental illness registers (SMI) in primary care. Overlaps are shown for patients in receipt of the care programme approach (CPA) and non-CPA patients. The analysis was conducted on the data within the GP repository for clinical care (GPRCC) for January 2022 by Active Trust patients with an open referral to the Trust.

Breakdowns of this data is for PCNs (Primary Care Networks) and grouped by CCG.


All Patients

SMI Total Trust CPA Total Trust non-CPA total
4987 1343 14858


SMI Total Trust CPA Total Trust non-CPA total
211 33 611

SMI Total Trust CPA Total Trust non-CPA total
238 88 919

SMI Total Trust CPA Total Trust non-CPA total
274 48 847

SMI Total Trust CPA Total Trust non-CPA total
315 65 1275

SMI Total Trust CPA Total Trust non-CPA total
343 88 1117

SMI Total Trust CPA Total Trust non-CPA total
243 70 741

SMI Total Trust CPA Total Trust non-CPA total
375 110 1046

SMI Total Trust CPA Total Trust non-CPA total
178 56 762

SMI Total Trust CPA Total Trust non-CPA total
535 159 1031

SMI Total Trust CPA Total Trust non-CPA total
203 62 676

SMI Total Trust CPA Total Trust non-CPA total
211 28 501

SMI Total Trust CPA Total Trust non-CPA total
225 71 754

SMI Total Trust CPA Total Trust non-CPA total
381 126 1030

SMI Total Trust CPA Total Trust non-CPA total
374 108 1066

SMI Total Trust CPA Total Trust non-CPA total
331 74 1391

SMI Total Trust CPA Total Trust non-CPA total
550 157 1091


SMI Total Trust CPA Total Trust non-CPA total
696 109 1959

SMI Total Trust CPA Total Trust non-CPA total
1341 392 3954

SMI Total Trust CPA Total Trust non-CPA total
646 139 2666

SMI Total Trust CPA Total Trust non-CPA total
1460 426 3168

SMI Total Trust CPA Total Trust non-CPA total
463 159 1673

SMI Total Trust CPA Total Trust non-CPA total
381 118 1438