Regular meetings

This section concerns regular meetings, which comprise:

As a small team we have a few regular meetings

  • Stand Up: Every Monday 0930-1030 we meet, have a general chat, and then discuss our plans for the week, this allows for us to understand the issues, appreciate what people are up to and an opportunity to offer advice/support. Very informal
  • Code Review: Fortnightly Friday 1100-1200 there is a meeting called Code Review but is very loosely a code review as sometimes we have general discussions around approaching a problem, may be a problem with code you want support with, could be showing off some snazzy code or anything that getting a quorum on is beneficial. There are a few other analytically minded people who are invited outside our team
  • Catch Up: Fortnightly people have an official catch up with line manager. Random chats between are encouraged
  • Understanding Your Data (UYD): This is a meeting we set up to try and engage with the wider trust and ICS. We discuss a variety of topics, and it is a good way to sometimes showcase our work, to have a general discussion or to get feedback on a certain spec such as team organisations
  • CDU Business Meeting: A monthly meeting with wider CDU. This is attended by a variety of people, good for getting wider feedback on projects